Drop down menus for Image Maps

I know that this is not a practical thing to do but when you’re stuck in a place where you could not do anything because it has to look like that, JavaScript and some CSS would be your best friend. 🙂

Your sub-menu (in form of a list) should have a div tag with a style of display:none.

And what should be the default CSS for my sub menu?

position: absolute;
left: 50px; top 50px;

Well, that’s pretty much the basic thing you need to bring the div element closer to the particular area of an image map. 🙂 Of course you could apply other codes in CSS to style it. Of course you have to use some JavaScript so that the position could be the same for other screen resolutions.

Inside the area tag, you should add an event handler onclick and call the function that contains the toggle code.

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